I am in a hotel room in Seattle. Alone. Glass of wine in hand. Ahhh . . . it is heavenly. I don’t think I’ve sat in this much quiet since — well, I can’t even think of a time. I am here to speak at a women’s conference tomorrow. Jafta came along to have a slumber party at his cousins’ house. It was so nice flying with just one kid – Jafta was awesome on the plane. He was very excited about his new suitcase, that can be rolled, carried with a handle, or worn like a backpack. He decided to change it up every 15 seconds or so. Which made the walk from the door to the gate a little longer than it should have been. He also decided to tell EVERY PERSON HE SAW that he had a transforming backpack, and would then illustrate it for anyone who would listen. But . . . he sat quietly and didn’t kick the seat in front of him. So what’s a little enthusiasm over a backpack?
I checked into the hotel room at 5pm, and laid down to take a quick nap. I woke up 2 hours later. Oops. Last night was a late night because we met up with my nephew Austin, who is in town on a choir tour with his high school. We met them at ESPN Zone, where we had the pleasure of paying $8 for a kids’ meal. But then we let the kids play on all the video games without putting coins in. So who’s the sucker now, huh?