We had a mellow Christmas Eve today. It was the first day in a long time that Mark and I really had no work obligations. December has been a busy month and it was nice to have a day totally focused on holiday and family. And now comes the part where I barrage you with photos from Christmas Eve. And not just this year! I have nostalgic and self-indulgent older photos to post, too! Still here? And ready to take a stroll down memory lane? For the last fourteem years, we’ve had a Christmas Eve breakfast with the same four couples. It has become a tradition I look forward to every year. festivities. I am rarely a sentimental person, but looking at these photos over the years always gets me a little misty, both for my own family, and for our friendships. Here we are in 2005, back when the skinny jean sounded like a cruel joke and we were taking pictures with film so we didn’t know if someone had their eyes shut in a photo until we got the roll back from Costco. It was our first Christmas as parents. I don’t have a picture of the next year, probably because I had just had India and was getting used to the reality of juggling two very small kids. Fast forward to two years later. Another kid (but still rocking the low-rise boot cut).
And then we began the process of adopting Kembe, and SURPRISE. I was pregnant again. Although obviously I finally invested in a digital camera.
This year was a rough Christmas. It was our 3rd Christmas since starting the process of adopting Kembe and he still wasn’t home. I was a mess. See also: A lot of small children.
And finally (and obviously), in 2011 we are thrilled to have our family complete. I love this picture . . . even though Kembe is wearing the fakest smile ever. And even though I am wearing the same jacket that I wore in 2006. And a bangs mishap that I’m still trying to grow out.
Two things about the following two pictures: 1) I wore the same outfit two years in a row, 2) I had a hard time figuring out which photo came first.
And this year. I feel like they look so much bigger!
After our brunch we headed over to the Christmas Eve service at RockHarbor. Candelight and carols. Such a great way to usher in Christmas.
After church, we took the kids to choose new bikes – their main gift and something we wanted them to be able to pick themselves. Then we had a lazy evening at home.
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And that’s our Christmas Eve! We can’t wait for tomorrow. The Merriest of days to you and yours.