But to answer your question, we use the term “Black” and I would recommend you have your son use that term, too, because it’s the term most Black people in our country use to self-identify at this point. It’s an awkward word to be sure, and not exactly accurate. I’ve never met anyone that actually had black skin – we are usually describing people with varying shades of brown or tan skin. But it’s the word society uses for the most part, and so it’s the word we use. We had a really candid talk with our kids when we introduced the term, and laughed a bit about how white people aren’t really white either, but that these are the words that people use to describe people with certain physical characteristics. It’s also a great time to pull out the map and talk about physical differences and geography.
Ultimately it’s good for kids to get used to the vernacular that they will hear out in the world, and it’s also good to give them the language (and comfort in that language) to be able to talk about race and racism when they are older.