We’re talking “I want to go to there” spots today. I’ve got a few. I really love to travel and there are a whole lot of spots on my bucket list. Mark and I hit a few of them before we had kids (like Venice, Italy and Paris, France) and last year, we traveled to Macchu Picchu as a family. But if I had to name ONE SPOT that is sort of an ultimate dream vacation, it would have to be taking an African safari. This is something I’ve always wanted to do with my kids. Mark and I have visited a couple African countries on mission trips and we’ve done some short game drives, but we’ve never really done an official safari where we spend a few days exploring. This year at Mom 2.0 Summit, National Geographic was holding a contest for a family travel experience to one of their new family destinations. I quickly noticed that one option was a trip to Tanzania, and decided to enter. I hardly ever enter contests these days, but this one piqued my interest so I wrote a long letter about what travel has meant to me, and how much we value it as a family. I submitted it and crossed my fingers . . . and I won! I am giddy with excitement. Our family will be traveling to the Serengeti next summer on an 11-day safari adventure designed for families. I am still pinching myself.
I can’t wait. It’s a year away, which is great because all of the kids will be at perfect ages . . . old enough to remember and appreciate everything they see. (And hopefully less tantrums that we had on our Peru trip, which I affectionately dubbed the International Temper Tantrum Tour.) How about you? What’s your dream destination . . . that one spot in the world you’ve always wanted to see?