This post was sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds. We took a trip down to San Diego with the kids this past weekend, and I wanted to give them some snacks that could keep them occupied (and by occupied I mean quiet) in the car. I will confess, usually our road trip fare isn’t the healthiest, and often involves us letting them buy a bag of chips and a lollipop when we’re fueling up for gas. I wanted to be a bit more proactive, so I thought I would let them make their own trail mix. One of the few healthy foods my kids all agree on is almonds, which is great because it is an easy and self-stable snack. So I grabbed some natural almonds, and also some toasted coconut flavored almonds. I also grabbed some unsweetened dried cranberries and banana chips from our local health food store.
And to sweeten the deal and make it feel like a treat, I added a bowl of chocolate chips, and set out a bag for each kid.
You would have thought it was Christmas morning when they came home from school. They were pretty excited.
India had to take a moment and re-write her name using a heart for the “i” because of curse she did.
I made myself a little bowl, too. Before the kids came home. And then a little for the car. It was GOOD.
I think this may be our new go-to snack for road trips. I’m thinking it could be good with dried pineapple, toasted coconut, and goji berries, too.
And it really did keep them quiet . . . at least for a little bit.
This post was sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.