When I was in DC last month with some friends, we played a game where we went around the table and shared our first concert and our dream concert. The concert we saw first, and the concert we would really love to see. It was really entertaining to hear some of the concerts people saw in their youth . . . quite the stroll down memory lane. It was also fun to hear the bands that people were dying to see. My first concert is a little embarrassing. I’ll give you a hint. I was hangin’ tuff.
That’s right. New Kids On The Block. My friends and I wore matching white overalls (one side hanging down.) We were so cool. Salt N’ Peppa opened for them. I feel the need to redeem this confession by telling you that I later went on to attend all five of the first Lollapaloozas. I think that cancels things out, right? My dream concert . . . that’s a tough one. But I’m going to have to go with Indigo Girls. I’ve listened to them since middle school and somehow never managed to see them in person. I know all of their songs and I it seems like they would have a great energy live. No light shows or choreography . . . just stripped down vocal harmonies and guitar. Yes and yes.
What about you? What was the first concert you saw? And what would be your dream concert to see?