I have been listening to friends fawn over Stichfix for about a year now, and I’ve always been a skeptic. Stichfix is a personal stylist service that allows you to fill out a fairly detailed personal profile, that includes the kind of clothes you like and need, your height and weight, lifestyle information, and the items that you need. Once a month, they send a box that a stylist chooses for you. I’ve watched my friends get really great stuff but I’ve never wanted to try it myself. I’m picky about clothes. Really picky. But also, I never felt like someone else would know how to dress my particular body type. I’ve been so cynical about the Stichfix process that I actually turned down a free box because I didn’t want the pressure of writing about a service I didn’t like. Well, fast forward a few months and people are still raving about it, so I decided I would order my own box. Why not? I really hate shopping, and maybe out of the whole box there would be one or two things I could keep. Much to my surprise, my first box was a win in every way. I really liked the clothes. Each item came with a little styling card to show you ways to wear it. This was really helpful for me because I tend to get stuck in a rut. I actually love every piece that came in the box. A LOT. It came on a Friday afternoon and I had a party the next day that I really wanted to look nice for. I had an outfit planned and actually hung it back up because I was so excited to wear one of the new outfits. I went with the outfit on the left and I actually got several compliments on my outfit. I can’t remember the last time that happened. Probably because I’m usually wearing a non-descript cardigan with jeans.
It’s only been two weeks and I’ve already worn each outfit. In fact, the navy striped dress is my new everyday dress. It’s probably the one item from the box that I would have picked at a store. The great thing about Stichfix, though, is that every other item is something I NEVER would have tried on in a store, but ended up loving when someone else picked it for me. I feel like it pushed me out of my comfort zone. The clothes were flattering and fit my body type. And I didn’t have to go to the mall. (Have I mentioned how much I hate going to the mall.) I kept all of the clothes in my first shipment, but it did come with a self-addressed large envelope to send back anything I didn’t like. The items were pretty reasonable . . . $30- $60 pieces and good quality clothes. For me, it feels like a great way to go “shopping” each month with someone else doing the leg-work of picking out pieces. I’m really looking forward to my next shipment. In fact, now my only complaint is that I have to wait another month. Have you tried Stichfix or another mail-order stylist service? How did it work out for you?