This post was sponsored by Scoutfit. A couple weeks ago I wrote about a new service that helps monitor sales of things you put on your wishlist. Scoutfit lets you designate clothing (or makeup or furniture or anything, really) and then combs the internet once a day to check if the item you want is on sale. It watches a huge number of websites including most of my favorites:Gap,Madewell, J. Crew, Free People, Anthropologie, and Old Navy. It even utilizes a little browser button (like the Pin-it button) that allows you to bookmark an item from the website you are browsing. It’s just a couple seconds to put Scoutfit to work on watching a sale. I had some fun saving some oufits, but then I decided to input a few of the furniture items on my wishlist. I mean, they are big-ticket items, but what could it hurt? I’ve been wanting a new dining room table every since we moved into our house OVER A YEAR AGO. We’ve been rocking the same mis-matched, scratched up table sine we moved in, even though we had every intention of getting a new one.
But the sticker price for a new table, especially one with mid-century lines, was keeping me from pulling the trigger. I couldn’t seem to find one for under a thousand dollars. I’ve had my eye on this table from West Elm, but at $700 it still seemed a little steep. So I saved it on Scoutfit and promptly forget about it.
A couple weeks later, I was checking my email and low and behold, there was a little alert from Scoutfit letting me know that the table was $140 off. Like a little Christmas present, to me.
At that price, the table was in my reach, so I went ahead and ordered it. I can’t wait to see how it looks it my space! And the experience has motivated me to add more items to my Scoutfit wishlist.