I’ve got a number of photos to share from our Thanksgivving weekend, but first I wanted to share some funny photos of Jafta’s favorite Thanksgiving tradition: having a pie thrown in his face. This was something he first asked me to do when he was 5 years old. I have no idea where the idea came from . . . he just saw some pies and knew they would be more awesome in his face. He begged, and to the cheering screams of his entire family, I obliged. Every Thanksgiving since, he has remembered this tradition. It’s as imperative as turkey and mashed potatoes for this kid. Only this year, we did a plate of whipped cream instead of a full pie. Wasting a whole pie? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
You can see the anticipation in his face . . .
It’s go time.
Mmm . . . tastes good.
. . . and now all the kids want a pie in their face.
Here’s a little video of this year’s festivities.