This week, I’m sharing about our mealtime traditions, and how we are trying to make our family dinners more meaningful. One of our routines has been to start a gratitude journal. We usually do “highs and lows” in the car after school, which is a nice way to hear about any struggles the kids had during the day, as well as to help them identify some positive aspects of their day. At dinner, we decided to do a gratitude journal to further encourage them to be mindful of the positive.
I really want to instill a spirit of gratefulness in my kids. It’s something I want to work on myself. So this simple journal forces us to identify, once a day, something we are thankful for. We go around the table and I write them down. In addition to the positive practice in the moment, it’s also a fun log to look back on.
I bought this particular journal at Target, but I think any ole’ journal would do. You can check out the other posts about our dinnertime traditions here:
- Prayer
- Candle lighting
- Table talk
- Manners Candle (coming soon)
- Scripture Reading (coming soon)