Why “40 Being The New 30” Is Bad For Women | MamaPop
If 40 is the new 30, then we needs to adjust everything. Up is down, east is west, ice cream isn’t fattening and Ke$ha gets a Grammy. It’s fucking chaos, people. This shit has to end and I for one am sick of beautiful, perky breasted 40-something women ruining what were supposed to be our “relaxing” years. While I think it’s great that these gals are validating the undeniable truth that women of any age prior to dead are still capable of creative thought and implementation, I just want to stop coloring my hair and eat a goddamn chili dog. So can we cut this shit out, please? I AM TIRED.
That Time I Was on the Today Show | Jen Hatmaker
So because I only had ten minutes to pack, my brain simply froze and launched full mental strike. I kept looking at my clothes like what are these clothes? I can’t think of what I look like in any of these. I can’t think about what to wear on the Today Show. Sequins? Jeans? A prom dress? Nothing makes sense. I cannot make sense of these options.
Since my brain was betraying me, I had no choice but to grab dirty clothes off the floor from my last event, because my brain thought it was a decent outfit a few days ago when it was still contributing to my life. And let’s be real: I’ve already told you I wear the same clothes to all my events, and since you’ve seen the same three outfits posted a million times no matter what city I’m in, we should all probably stop pretending that isn’t a thing.
Casting Call: Hollywood Needs More Women | NPR
“What we’re in effect doing is training children to see that women and girls are less important than men and boys. We’re training them to perceive that women take up only 17 percent of the space in the world,” she says. “And if you add on top of that, that so many female characters are sexualized, even in things that are aimed at little kids, that’s having an enormous impact as well.”
Gay, Evangelical and Seeking Acceptance in Church | ABC News
A February survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found seven in 10 white evangelicals overall were against gay marriage. However, younger respondents backed same-sex marriage by 51 percent. Younger Christians grew up with openly gay friends and relatives, and often found their elder’s fight for traditional marriage damaging to the church, according to studies by the Barna Group’s David Kinnamon, among other surveys.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie On Learning To Be Black In The USA | Shadow and Act
Essentially, learning what you, as a black person in America (no matter where you’re from), should think and feel, and how you should react or not react to stimuli, as if we’re a monolith. We live in a world were conformity rules over individuality, so there’s constant pressure to fit in – and maybe even more specifically, fit into the group that you’ve been assigned by the larger body politic, if only because of the color of your skin.
Taking back Eden. | Jamie the Very Worst Missionary
Baby-faced and burning with love for the child within, I carried a scarlet letter in front of me like an overblown beach ball. My joy and my shame were right there for everyone to look at and talk about and touch without permission. It’s not uncommon for complete strangers to say rude things to pregnant women (You’re huge! Are you carrying twins?), but the things they say to unwed pregnant teens are downright assholey. (Have you thought about adoption? Do you know who the father is? You know how those things get out, right?) And don’t get me started on the “well-meaning” Christians. The things they said were awful. And embarrassing. For Jesus.
Minimalist Parenting: Doing More With Less | NPR
For many children, summer break is filled with activities like math classes and language lessons. That’s leading some parents to wonder what ever happened to a laid-back summer of playing outside and riding bikes? Host Michel Martin speaks with a roundtable of moms about ‘minimalist parenting.’
Camp Whattawedo | Planting Dandelions
Camp Whattawedo places great emphasis on reading, so there will be weekly library visits. As we are fortunate to reside within an amazing public library district, these visits will often coincide with fun and interesting programs being offered at area branches. Time will be allotted for reading each day, and credit will be given in the form of rule-bending powers that can extend a camper’s screen time, or leverage other special privileges.