It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Tea Collection. They’ve always got such fun, fresh dresses for girls. The cotton is thick and durable and the prints don’t fade in the wash. My girls want to wear dresses every day so their causal cotton dresses and leggings are a perfect compromise. I also love the company values of Tea . . . they have a big emphasis on being good global citizens and designing clothes that are inspired from various places around the world. In the past, I’ve bought a few dresses here and there, but rounded out most of their wardrobe from cheaper stores. Typically it’s the Tea Collection dresses that make it to the end of the season (and even into the next), and they are also some of the few dresses that look great as hand-me-downs two years later. Another plus: the dresses seem to transition well as they grow. India was wearing Karis’s size 4 accidentally the other day and we didn’t even notice until she took it off. Season after season, the few Tea dresses we’ve had are the ones I’ve always reached for, and the ones that seemed to avoid pilling, stains, or discoloration. So this year, I decided I would build their wardrobe entirely from Tea Collection. I’ve gotten some pieces on sale, but I’ve also decided that, given how well they last, if I can buy fewer pieces it’s cheaper in the long run than buying lower-quality clothes that don’t last. (This idea of quality over quantity may seem obvious but it is the opposite of how I was raised in terms of clothing.) I also love that the designers at Tea make their pieces to be mix-and-match, so that if I buy everything there, it will all coordinate. For the summer, I bought each of the girls the following pieces: So far, I’m pretty pleased with this decision. First of all, Karis has never been so coordinated since she started choosing her own outfits. Basically, anything she picks will match.
The girls like the dresses a lot, too. They are pretty and feminine but with the leggings underneath, they work well for days at the park or playing in the backyard.
The mix-and-match strategy is working well for us, and I think this may be how I shop from now on. It reminds me a bit of Granimals when I was young (remember those?). It’s a similar concept of clothing that all matches . . . but the execution is much better. If you are interested in checking out Tea Collection, they’ve got a big sale on their dresses that’s ending today: only $15!
How do you typically buy clothing for yourself or your kids? Do you buy for the whole season at once or do you pick up pieces here and there? Do you go for quality or quantity? What are some of your favorite stores for kids’ clothing? [disclosure]