I’m really asking the hard-hitting questions today . . . It’s a question that every American must ask themselves. Are you Team Stewart or Team Colbert? I have a confession to make in this regard. For years, I’ve talked about my inappropriate crush on Jon Stewart. This crush has been raging since the late 80’s. It’s been a burden for all this years, loving Mark as much as I do, and yet knowing Jon is my true soulmate. I still believe that. And yet. I have to admit that Colbert’s show has really been growing on me over the years. I find the satire so on-point and hilarious. To the point where, if I’m a little too tired to watch both shows before bedtime . . . I will usually choose Colbert. I’m sorry, Jon. You are still my soulmate. You still occupy the #1 spot on my official list. But in terms of television shows, I’m afraid I’m ready to come out as Team Colbert. How about you guys? Team Stewart? Team Colbert? Or (gasp) not a fan of either?