Last week felt like an unusually full week, and I was pretty exhausted by the week’s end. The kids were supposed to have a football game right after school on Friday, and that morning we got an email letting us know the field was rained out, so the game was cancelled. The wildly different reactions we had to this news illustrates the difference between Mark and I. Mark thinks, “Oh thank God we can go do something!” and I think: “Oh thank God we can do nothing!” Mark tried to convince me to pack up the family so we could head out to the desert for the weekend and catch some sunshine. I told him that he was crazy and that my plans for relaxation did not include suitcases or kids in a car for an extended time. So, we decided to each do our own thing (which, might I add, I’ve found to be an important skill in a successful marriage). Mark took the boys on a desert adventure and the girls and I had a mellow weekend at home. It’s funny that the personalities in our family pretty much fall along the gender lines. The boys are both extroverts and love to be busy and active. India and I get exhausted by too much activity and can tend towards being homebodies. Karis is the exception – she’s rather go somewhere and asks me every day if we are going on a trip. But the boys’ plans didn’t involve a 3-year-old so she was stuck at home. Mark woke the boys up before dawn on Saturday and set out for Indio, the magical city where the sun beats down hot all year and golf is cheap. Not gonna lie, I was rolling my eyes that Mark had to flee Orange County in order to get some sunshine. But then he sent me this picture of the cloud break as he entered the desert, and yeah . . . point taken.
The boys started their day with a round of golf.
Then they went for a hike.
They stopped at the infamous giant dinosaur thing.
Then they decided to do a little geocaching.
They had a pretty epic day. Meanwhile . . . On our lazy Saturday, the girls and I tried our hand at the Wii. We bought a used Wii from friends a few months ago but the game we tried must have been a little hard, because none of the kids could figure it out. They all got frustrated and I put it away, because a video game that causes drama is the last thing we need. I pulled it out again to give it another shot, this time trying Just Dance. Oh my word . . . game changer. They loved it. They probably spend two hours dancing along.
Once they were thoroughly exhausted, we made some snow globes from a kit.
Well, I should say India made a snow globe. Karis painted a paper plate.
Karis made a mess spilling the ceramic mold, making her figure unusable, so we decided to put a toy they don’t often play with into the snow globe. Looks like Jasmine’s dad from Aladdin was the Biggest Loser.
If you had a free weekend, would you prefer to do something, or do nothing? Are you and your significant other on the same page?