We are nearing the end of our cruise, and I’m trying my best not to work on this trip, but I did want to share some quick tips for having your kids help with packing for a vacation. Step 1: Make a list of items for the kids to pack. Use illustrations if you have kids who are not yet reading. Keep it very simple. Step 2:
Yell Supervise as kids follow the list. Threaten Give gentle reminders for them to stay on task. Step 3: Check your email while the kids complete packing on their own. Congratulate yourself on teaching them independence while simultaneously making less work for yourself. Maybe even have a glass of wine. Step 4: Go back to check on progress, discover the kids have not packed anything remotely close to the list you made, but rather a hodge-podge of their worst clothing and most ginormous toys. And a light saber. Realize that you will have to re-pack for each of them, and put away what they’ve packed, essentially creating even more work than if you’d actually just done it yourself in the first place. There you go, folks! How to pack with kids. You can pin that if you want.