The kids call this “building a spaceship”. I really have no idea what a pile of children has to do with space travel, but there you go. After I took these photo they decided to reverse the order, with Karis on bottom and Jafta on top. It didn’t go so well.
India finally learned to ride a bike without training wheels! She has been hesitant but finally gave it the college try after seeing her 3-year-old sister do it. It’s amazing what a little sibling rivalry can do in the motivation department.
While India managed to do a few laps without an adult holding on, her brother, who is also five, was doing this:
It is always astounding me that we’ve managed to elude the ER thus far.
Kembe has a new look for pictures. Every single time I raise the camera, he throws the shaka sign.
Going down the slide? Shake sign.
Mohawk in the bathtub? Shaka sign.
We finally got to see Book of Mormon this week in LA., with our friends Scott and Jillian.
A lot of people have asked me how it was. It was AMAZING. And hilarious. The story, the book, the music, the dancing – all fantastic. And totally and completely raunchy, inappropriate, and sacrilegious. So, you know, fair warning. It was interesting to see that the actual Book of Mormon took out a three-page ad spread in the Playbill. I’m quite curious to hear a Mormon’s perspective of the show. Anyone? Beuhler?
The remodel. We’re at the scary stage where everything looks really, really awful. I’m trying not to panic. We’ll get there.
The kids are back in basketball and cheer this fall. We spent 4 hours at the basketball court today between the three of them. Have I mentioned how much I love watching sports? Mmm.
While Mark and I were busy fussing over remodel stuff, Jafta fashioned a spear out of some of the remnant construction materials and tried to get Kembe to bike-joust with him. The ER: only a matter of time.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!