I’ve not had much time to write in this space. I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to take the month off. Hahaha. That’s really working out for me. In addition, I’m flying solo for most of the week because my husband is off at a mommy blogger event. Yes, you read that right. This week a brand I’m working with is flying all of their ambassadors out to a swanky beach resort in Cancun. It came a little too close on the heels of BlogHer for my guilt-ridden travel schedule, so I decided to send Mark in my place. That means that Mark will be wining, dining, and getting spa treatments with a bunch of my online friends at a beach resort while I’m here holding down the fort during the most sweltering heat wave of the year. Man, that karma really is a bitch. Anyways, here are a few posts I wrote recently at Babble that you might enjoy: Paranoid or Smartly Cautious: My Dilemma on Teenage Boys as Babysitters
In this post, I talk about our strict rules about not using male babysitters, a confession that ruffled a lot of feathers. I’m still ruminating on the comments on that one.
Starting ‘Em Early: Best Tech Tools for the Preschool Set
This post highlights some of my favorite tools for helping kids enjoy grown-up gadgets. Yes, we’ve gone the way of the iPad. But they are learning spelling! And math! So it’s okay . . . right???
Gender Fluidity As the New Normal: Can Society Make Room for Gender Non-Compliant Kids?
This is my reaction to a New York Times article on gender fluid kids, wherein I pose the question: could loosening up our societal rules on gender expectations benefit all of us?
Did I mention we bought a new house? Long story. I’ll have to leave you in suspense for now, because the kids and I are off to seek some air-conditioning at the Mac store.