Last week I wrote an advice post on Babble Voices about kids and facebook. I offered some advice (you can go read it here) and also some different perspectives of moms of tweens. It seems like moms are pretty divided on this one. I didn’t weigh in myself, since my kids aren’t really in that lifestage yet. But I will admit: If facebook changes the rules and allows kids under 13 to join, I’m probably likely to let them on. It’s not that I’m a “free-range”, liberal type of mom. In fact, I think I’m rather strict when it comes to media and minors. But my thinking about facebook is the same as any kind of online activity for kids: ain’t none of it happening without some serious supervision. Especially in the early years, before they’ve established some trust. I would anticipate that their online activity will be heavily monitored, and facebook will be no exception. By heavily monitored, I mean that online time will happen on a large-screen monitor in the middle of the living room, and that passwords will be known to me if they want to play. I think they can earn more freedom as they show themselves trustworthy. In that sense, I think it makes sense to have them on young, so that they are learning what is appropriate at an age when a lot of parental input is the norm. As they get older and prove that they can handle it, I would imagine I would give more freedoms. But I enjoy social media, and I am okay with allowed my kids to be involved so they can learn both moderation and appropriate use while I still have a say. What about you? Head over to Babble Voices and join the conversation. I’d love to hear from moms who have kids old enough to be on. What have you decided?