I have some new gigs that I’m excited to announce. First, I’m thrilled to be joining the Babbble Voices team, a segment of the popular parenting site Babble.com. I will be doing a weekly advice column over there called Roadside Assistance. This is my attempt at merging my life as a therapist with my life as a blogger – and I’m hoping it will be a fun place for people to seek advice about marriage, friendships, sex, parenting . . . you name it. I just started, so it’s sounding like crickets over there. PLEASE head on over and leave some questions in the comments section. I’ve also started blogging over at Huffington Post, and will be posting there from time to time. You can read my posts at huffingtonpost.com/kristen-howerton, or you can click here to subscribe to my feed.
Lastly, I’m now writing two features each month in the print magazine OC Family. (I actually started writing a couple months ago but just realized I never mentioned it here). OC Family is a great resource for families, and if you are local, you can pick one up (free!) at newstands around Orange County.