Last week was a bit of a doozy – too much on the calendar and too many things throwing a wrench into the system. One afternoon I slipped off to my room to lay down and clear my head with some alone time. This is how it turned out.
My friend Jenn and I got a rare night out together to see the Kelly Clarkson show in LA. I got a chance to have lunch with Kelly last year, and I am a huge fan. Her talent is unbelievable, but she’s also just a really cool, likable person. She’s hilarious and down-to-earth, and has a huge heart for orphans. She visited Zimbabwe last year and one of her songs was about that experience.
I also got to reconnect with Jill and Kate, Kelly’s backup singers who have some serious talent in their own right. You should check them out. These gals are gorgeous and talented and smart, and I can’t wait to see the big things in store for them.
Wednesday was a big day for Jafta. He had his yellow belt test. I’m really loving the discipline and focus he’s getting by taking Tae Kwon Do.
Have I ever mentioned that my mother was a 7th degree black belt? This one’s for you, grandma!
This week I had photographer Michelle Kim come by to shoot some photos for a spread she’s doing in Darling magazine. I think this picture pretty much captures my entire life right now.
Remember this little idea I had? Well . . . . it’s in the works. Lots of script ideas from you guys, so thanks!
Jillian, Deb and I filmed some segments this weekend. It was a lot of fun and I think it’s going to be very familiar (and hopefully funny) to transracial families, interracial couples, and anyone biracial.
While we girls were off playing, Mark and Scott valiantly watched our collective 7 children. They had a blast, too. (The children, I mean. The menfolk survived. Barely).
Oh, and this happened. A lizard in my sink, on an evening when Mark took the boys to dinner. I have never seen such screaming from my girls, and I wasn’t much help either. Growing up in Florida, I’ve seen way too many disembodied writhing lizard tails after a failed attempt at catching a lizard. Finally he crawled out and into a space behind my sink, where I’m assuming he lives. Jafta felt it was quite unfair that he missed the lizard, and I have to agree, because of the six of us he probably would have been the best at getting the thing outside. Yesterday I got to attend a press junket for The Avengers movie. I’ve never been a superhero fangirl, but seeing this line-up of actors, I’m a convert. Also, if it looks like Thor and I are having a little moment in this next picture, it’s because WE WERE. (Or because the lady in front of me was asking a question. But I’m gonna go with the former). Jafta and I got to see the movie last night, but I’m under strict embargo from talking about how awesome it was. So you will have to just use your imagination to figure out if Jafta was a fan of seeing several of his favorite superheroes IN ONE MOVIE.
After the movie we wandered around Hollywood and Highland in the wee hours, acting like tourists and introducing Jafta to some of LA’s more colorful language, sights, and smells. Thank you, homeless residents outside of El Capitan, for keeping it real.