Okay, I’ve mentioned I geek out a bit every year over Christmas cards. Case in point, this is a video I made last year, talking about the way I curate all of the Christmas cards we get every year. Please to be amazed at my crafting skills and the quality of this video: Disclosure: I am two years behind on this project and currently have two boxes full of Christmas cards I need to glue to the scrapbook pages. I did finally order and receive all of our Christmas cards, which I’m pretty stoked about, because most years it is something I am frantically doing on December 22 in the hopes that by some Christmas miracle I can drop them at the post office and have them arrive at the homes of my friends and family before Christmas Day. I’m determined to get them off earlier this year so I can save the frantic late nights leading up to Christmas Eve for OTHER crises. I’m also opting out of writing a Christmas letter. I’ve been writing a satirical Christmas letter for the past ten years, and while it has been a lot of fun, it’s also always been a source of stress. In many ways, the feedback about that letter every year was what finally pushed me into starting a blog. But I found that writing one funny thing for the entire year was much easier before I started blogging on a regular basis. The well is dry, people. So, there will be no funny Christmas letter this year. And I’m okay with that. I think. Until certain people announce on facebook how they can’t wait to get my annual Christmas letter. And then I feel like I should just suck it up and write one. And then I have a talk with myself about boundaries and people-pleasing. And then I watch Sister Wives to take my mind off it all. Anyways. Here is the finished product:
I just couldn’t choose between the great photos Trever took, so I loved this card that had a collage feel. I also loved that it had room for a photo of each kid individually on the back, and several customizable text areas where I could write a short note, record the kid’s ages, and point people to my blog to keep up with us. These cards are from Pear Tree Greetings– a newer company that reached out to me and offered to try some cards for free. I’m so glad they did because I really loved their selection, and the fact that I could change the background colors and add so many pictures (you can see that the final card colors are a bit different than the ones I was playing with above). Pear Tree Greetings also has flat cards and folded cards in a variety of styles, from traditional to contemporary. Also – there is a great selection of cards made of recycled cardstock. The pictures really don’t do them justice. I’m thrilled with the quality and I feel like these are just our style.
I’m curious – what do you do with the Christmas cards you get? How do you display them in your house? I need some ideas beyond taping them to our sliding glass door. And what do you do when the season is over? Do you (gasp) pitch all the cards you get? Or do you have a system for curating them?