Every day is costume day at the Howerton house. On this particular morning they were pretending to be a fire-fighting family, with protective eyewear.
Free kids meals at IKEA = still not worth going there with children. Karis is not tall enough to go into the kids room, and now suddenly Jafta is too tall. And they are only four years apart. Annoying.
Karis is our little homewrecker. During her nap she likes to quietly climb out of bed and empty the contents of her drawers.
I go to the farmer’s market every week and there is one vendor who likes to post inspirational messages in front of his kale. I liked the double underlining here. A friend on twitter thought it sounded like something Lil C would say. And Lil C agreed. Best celebrity retweet evah! (And my mom wonders what I’m doing on twitter).
After said farmer’s market, we always go to the gourmet food trucks. My boys indulge in all kinds of fancy meats, spices, and ethnic combinations. My girls eat plain cheese quesadillas NO SAUCE. Boys 1, Girls 0.
Jafta’s Halloween costume choice changes by the day. This was a vampire alien, but he felt it wasn’t scary enough. Back to the drawing board.
Mark came home with a fish the other day. I wasn’t very happy about it. I predicted it would end in death and devastation. I was right. RIP Cooper the fish. August 21-August 28, 2011.
One of these days Karis will learn the harsh reality that she cannot take her top off every time her brother does.
You know that thing where you are really tired for a playdate because you stayed up too late reading the gripping novel of the friend you have plans with? Yeah. That’s a first for me, too.
We had a playdate with my friend Jillian, author of said book, and her son Tariku. I think that look of shock on Tariku’s face says a little something about the noise level at our house.
This one. Original bad-ass, right here.
Grandma took the kids to the zoo! I hear it had real animals, too.
This was my submission for our Real Jeans guide on Curvy Girls. It only took me 20 minutes to figure out how to take my picture with a self-time on the iphone!
Skateboard camp. I think I’ve hashed this one to death, no?
I cleaned out one of the cupboard full of old baby products, and came across this gem that a company sent me in hopes that I would review it on my blog. Well, look, here I am, reviewing it! MOST AWKWARD BABY PRODUCT EVER. This now sits in the garage waiting for our next white elephant party.
I think this picture pretty accurately captures the Essence of Kembe.
This kind of sucks. Thanks, USA! (It’s Kembe’s. And it’s fixable.)
Raw nachos. Date Night. Legit.
This morning we took the wrecking crew to Pretend City.
Karis was really excited to meet Martha Speaks from PBSkids. Until.
Kembe and India might have taken their cashier roles a little seriously. Karis tried to eat plastic fruit. And Jafta auditioned to be a Subway sandwich artist.
That was our week!