On Monday, Mark and I drove back from Palm Springs, rested and relaxed and just a wee bit sunburned.
India’s favorite game is called “homeschool”. She wants to play this all day long. She makes me do circle time (calendar, the pledge, books) and then wants to sit and do homework. Nerd alert! Also, I’m so glad I’m paying for private preschool just so I can be doing it at home by myself, anyways. This may come as no surprise, but Jafta and Kembe are not the least bit interested in her homeschool game.
They want to play basketball all day. As does Karis, because she’s all about what the brothers are doing.
Also coming soon? A dent in my wallet. Because no way are these four kids letting me get out of a Target run without stopping at their beloved Starbucks for a cakepop,
On Thursday we went to a Razor event at the Great Park. I asked them to strike a pose. I think this says it all.
India and I at the Razor event.
I have RSVP’s to a few too many BlogHer parties and it’s stressing me out. Life is so hard.
On Saturday Mark officiated a wedding down in San Diego. It was the same day as the Del Mar races so he took the train to avoid traffic, and took Jafta along. They had a lot of fun on their train adventure. Meanwhile I laid out my party clothes for BlogHer.
Don’t let the grainy filter fool you . . . that would be 8 knee-length black dresses. I think I’ve outdone myself in terms of redundant cocktail dresses. Someone stage an intervention with a floral print, quick!
On Sunday morning, this is the outfit India insisted on wearing to church. A long-sleeved black hoodie in the middle of August. I guess the penchant for black is genetic.
After church, we took the kids to Native Foods, where they cried about soy cheese. I don’t really blame them. #1 rule about eating in vegan places: stay awake from fake meat and dairy. Stay tuned next week for gratuitous photos of me at BlogHer. I’ll be the one in the black dress.