So, we started a garden today. It was a bit of an impulse move. We have a neighbor who has basically turned his front yard into a vegetable garden. The kids walk by it every day and just revel in the whole thing. They love picking strawberries and peas and carrots. Every day they are in awe of what is going on in Jason’s garden. Last night, Jason sent us home with a bunch of potatoes which were somehow the most magical and delicious potatoes I have ever eaten, and Mark decided that it must be. We are to have a garden.
I love the idea of growing our own food, but to be honest this doesn’t really feel like the phase of life for us to be taking on a new project. But Mark was sold on the idea (perhaps fueled by a pint of Jason’s home-brewed beer flavored with his home-grown hops) and suddenly he was digging out a 12×4 plot the backyard.
This plot is now boxed in with a 2-foot wood border and filled with soil. It looks like the perfect spot for a home garden. Only, we don’t know what to do now. So maybe some of you have a green thumb and can tell me what to plant. Here are the important details:
1. We don’t know what we are doing. 2. We live in Southern California. 3. It’s almost summer (you probably know that already but it seems relevant). 4. We don’t know what we are doing.
Alright, so now what?