Here are a few posts from last week that I’m digging.
Feelings, whoa whoa whoa — nevermind
I have loved Dawn’s writing at this woman’s work for a long time, but ever since she started studying psych, I love her even more.
I might die of my children learning to read
This post from Is There Any Mommy Out There? had me cracking up, because it is exactly how I feel, and why I should never ever ever homeschool my children.
Not knowing how to tell someone their favorite book didn’t completely change your life too.
From Stuff Christians Like. I felt this way about Sacred Romance. And every book by Dickens.
Court Day
A stirring post from Vitafamiliae as they try to adopt a child from Uganda and run into the inevitable Third World Wait.
Tears and Red Envelopes
This post at Our Little Tongginator put me into the ugly cry.
I like big buts
I love how Megan at The Terry Family resolves to put the kibosh on negativity.
This should be interesting.
Jamie the Very Worst Missionary talks about meeting someone from the internet for the first time.
Bad Mother Is As Bad Mother Does
Examining mommy guilt, founded or unfounded, at Her Bad Mother.
Whitewashing and Fashion Magazines
My sister-in-law Jodie’s exposes the practice of skin-lightening in magazine photo shoots.