Our October calendar is quickly filling up. I don’t know about you, but our schedule is always feast of famine. We will have days or weeks of relatively nothing on the books, and then everything sort of happens at once. October is like that for us. I will be travelling three weekends in October, and although I’m really excited about all of it, I’m already feeling exhausted. Next week Mark and I are headed to Austin for the Together for Adoption Conference. This is a conference that reaches far beyond just adoption/adoptive parents, and really seeks to mobilize the church to care for orphaned or abandoned children in a variety of ways. The day before the conference, Karen Purvis will be doing a seminar for families who have already adopted. I’m really excited to learn more about adoptive parenting, and even more excited to meet/reconnect with some of the other adoptive parents who will be there. I am a featured blogger for this event, and each day there will be a lunch panel with the featured bloggers. Mine is on Saturday. If you are coming, pop over and say hi. Because I’d love to meet you. And because the Livesays are on my panel, and really, you want to hear what they have to say because they are AWESOME. (So are the other bloggers, I just don’t know them yet). And also, because I have contrived a blogging feud with Jamie Ivey and I’ve talked a lot of smack about how our day will have more people. DO NOT LET ME LOSE FACE IN FRONT OF JAMIE IVEY. (I’m not really a competitive bully. I only play one on Twitter). _____________________________________ In the middle of October, I am going to another blogging event.
There are three reasons why I’m really excited about this one:
- It’s local(ish)
- It’s only 40 women (so, pretty much the opposite of Blogher)
- It is with a group of women I admire
Seriously, I think this promises to be an amazing weekend and I am looking forward to being inspired and connecting on a deeper level with other women who share my passions. (And if you are interested I hear there are three spots left . . . ) _____________________________________________ And then there is this: There is no rational explanation as to why I am going to this, beyond the fact that I have had a massive crush on Jon Steward since his Talk Soup days, and the fact that I have a very generous husband who told me to go for it. (He is generous in both his willingness to let me go on trips AND in his patience regarding my feelings for another man.) My friend Sarah and I started bantering on facebook about how much we wanted to go. At some point we called each others’ bluff and found cheap tickets to DC. Thanks to a certain small mouse, I have a decent number of Marriott points, so we’ll be doing our girl’s weekend in style. It’s a bit much. But I’m excited. *By the way, if you are local, the International Princess Project is having their yearly gala tomorrow night. It’s a great event for a great cause: International Princess Project is a nonprofit organization that empowers women formerly enslaved in prostitution to restore their lives. They establish micro-enterprise sewing centers in partnership with indigenous Indian organizations who rescue and care for women escaping the sex trade. IPP gives them an opportunity to learn a trade — sewing. The ladies make pajama pants, called PUNJAMMIES, which are sold through their website. VIEW THE INVTE HERE.