wwI’ve been way behind on linking, which is why this is gonna be a long list. But here are some of the posts I’ve enjoyed in the past few weeks:
I love everything about Catherine’s writing at Her Bad Mother, especially her bad mother manifesto, so it’s hard for me not to link to pretty much everything she writes. But I loved her post entitled Love Is A Many-Splendored And Sometimes Sort Of Exhausting And Anxiety-Provoking Thing. I think that sort of says it all.
I think Cecily speaks for many of us when she talks about that feeling that other moms are somehow reading the secret manual, and maybe even cut from a different cloth as we fumble and try to figure this thing out.
Tami, of What Tami Said, wrote a fascinating article for Psychology Today inquiring if religion breeds racism.
Aaryn Belfer talks about the state of distraction we all live in due to the dawn of the internet.
Ali Bray has a great post at Mama Manifesto about food, and where it comes from, and why we should care.
Kristen at We Are That Family is ready to give you a guilt trip. You should go read it. I dare you.
My sister-in-law is a week away from traveling to pick up her new son, and she talks about how nesting is not only for the pregnant moms-to-be.
Amy at Amalah is hilarious when she’s talking about anything. Even the flu.
Maggie of Mighty Girl wrote a list of twenty things she wish she’s known at twenty. I was nodding my head to the wisdom of this list, and thinking I should try following some of her sage advice. Now that I’m in my early mid-30’s.
Alice at Finslippy talks about her ambivalence as her first book is published, and the difficulty in enjoying the achievement instead of immediately setting her sights on the next. (And while most of us aren’t writing books, I think the challenge in enjoying the ride is universal).
Remember Newsies? This is an awesome mashup. (via Stuff Christians Like). Watching it makes me want to take part in some sort of a secret flashmob next Saturday in honor of my favorite broadway show. Or something.