Jafta had his first t-ball practice last week. It was so cute. He was so excited about it, and did a great job. I can’t believe how these coaches managed 20+ three-year-olds. Jafta hung on every word his coach said, and has been asking to go back every day.
I was a little worried about how this class would go for home. At home, Jafta gets really frustrated when he can’t do something perfectly right away. He loves sports – ALL SPORTS – and wants to be able to play them just like daddy can. (I mentioned his dismay that the Angel’s didn’t let him play on the team a few weeks ago). He tries to play baseball and basketball in the backyard and can get really upset if he doesn’t hit the ball or make a basket. He will throw the bat, stomp his
feet, whine and cry when things don’t go well. I talked to a friend Andrea about it, wondering if maybe he needed to mature a little before putting him into an organized sport. She reassured me that kids act completely different with teachers and coaches than they do at home.