Mark was given a release date – April 9th (Good Friday). He has been doing so well with his physical therapy that they are letting him out a week earlier than anticipated. He is thrlled that he won’t have to miss Easter services. We are really excited, but also a little anxious since they will be sendng him home in his brace that keeps him locked from bending fully at the waist. I’m not gonna lie – we are both going to miss that “call nurse” button by Mark’s bed. So this will be an interesting season for us! They have been working with us to help us figure out how to navigate around our house, ordering equipment, etc. Mark still needs to remain fairly immobile for the next three weeks until his bones heal a bit more, and then it will be back to physical therapy to begin working on his leg again. He is currently able to walk a few steps on his “good leg”, and they have him working his arms quite a bit, but as you can imagine this tires him out quite a bit. There are lots of suprises waiting for Mark when he arrives home, so it will be a fun homecoming. Thanks to all of you who have helped transform the garage, build ramps, and plant flowers. We have been so cared for by all of you.