Last week was my friend Sarah’s birthday and I got her a cookbook from a restaurant we both like called True Foods. As a was buying it, the woman behind the counter told me how fast it was flying off the shelves and I decided I needed to buy one for myself. True Food has quickly become my new favorite cookbook. It’s full of healthy foodie recipes, but also interspersed with educational essays from Dr. Andrew Weil about food and health. It’s informative and inspirational, and I’ve already tried a couple recipes. They are gourmet without being too difficult, and they all rely on fresh, healthy food. I’m not a big cook. I don’t eat much meat at all and I really prefer simple fare. I’m also gluten-free, and being nearly vegetarian and gluten-free means that most cookbooks are full of recipes I can’t really eat. But I do have a few other favorites. I got Gwyneth Paltrow’s It’s All Good earlier this year and I really like it. Easy, practical recipes that fit well with everyday life. I ordered Well Fed recently and like it, too. It’s focused on Paleo eating and while I’m not Paleo (too much meat . . . no thank you) it still has some really creative ideas for replacing grains in your diet. Raw by Charlie Trotter is a really inspiring cookbook for adding more raw foods to your diet, as is Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Vegan Entrees. I recently got a copy of Shauna Niequist’s Bread & Wine and while it’s primarily a memoir, there are some really great recipes in the book. (I got to try her risotto this summer and HELLO. So good.) Another favorite is Vegan Yum Yum, which feature foodie vegan food with an Asian flare. How about you? What are some of your favorite cookbooks? And do you still use cookbooks? I’m constantly pinning recipes on Pinterest but it seems like I tend to gravitate to the physical books I own when I want to cook something.